Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Major Drought

As I was cutting my grass today, I thought that it would be a perfect time to have a little chat with God (I have been a major slacker in that department as of late. I fully intend to change that starting today). My thoughts were all over the place (imagine that, Ms. A.D.D. !!). I was doing some serious praying for a few things that have been troubling me as of late, one being the fact that I have a torn labrum (for those of you that don't know what that is or where it is, it's part of your shoulder near your rotator cuff). I have been going to physical therapy for approximately 3 weeks. I have definitely noticed a change in my ability to move my shoulder which is a good thing. I have one more week of physical therapy before I have my follow up appointment with my doctor.

My mind was racing with an array of different things related to my shoulder. What's going to happen at my doctor appointment?? Do I need to have surgery (there's a tear and it won't heal itself on its own)? If I need to have the surgery, when will I have it?? Is the physical therapy a stop-gap measure until I eventually have to go under the knife (or should I say under the microscope)??? Will I just continue to do physical therapy for however long the doctor tells me to???? It's my right shoulder and I'm a righty. How big of an impact will the surgery have on my ability to do everyday, basic things like getting dressed, showering, etc.??

When I was at my last appointment, my doctor told me that doing the P.T. was taking a conservative approach. Well, I'm ALL about conservative!!! What I have realized after doing the therapy for the past few weeks is that it is somewhat of an inconvenience because you have to find time to do it, it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination and there's times that I just don't feel like doing it! (I know that the P.T. is far better than the alternative, however!).

Sadly, what I realized throughout my conversation with God is that my physical therapy is at times like my prayer life. I go through these "droughts" (probably a poor choice of words since Wisconsin and other parts of the mid-west have been in the midst of major flooding for the past few weeks!) where I am not very diligent about praying, I don't devote ENOUGH time to what I consider "quality" prayer and I don't praise God nearly enough for all the blessings he has given me. I'm embarrassed to even say that!!! God has made the ultimate sacrifice for me and I can't find time in MY schedule to "fit Him in"!!!!! WHAT??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

Physical therapy is by no means an easy task, nor is being a follower of Christ. It takes sacrifice, persistence, hard work, perserverance, patience, fortitude, desire, discipline, dedication, effort, strong will. There will be many trials and set backs along the way throughout the physical therapy, much like there is in my life as a Christian. Do I have it within me to perservere through the tough times and to turn EVERYTHING over to God?? Will I choose to do it on my own when I know that God is way bigger than me and He can do far greater things than I can ever even imagine. Instead of worrying about what will happen, will I turn to Him, the great healer, for comfort, healing and peace of mind???

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Psalm 86:10 "For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God."

I pray that my personal drought is over!


Kat said...

Um yeah, you failed to mention your shoulder over lunch today.... did the painting come down???

Updated blog again - added three columns - oh yeah!!

cautious1 said...

Oooops! I thought that I had told you - sorry. BTW, I had mentioned the Bloody Mary to Ms. OCD and she wasn't real thrilled. Yikes! I wasn't too thrilled with the decorating so that made 2 not-too-thrilled people!
I'm heading over to check out your blog!

John Daniel said...

Don't worry about you shoulder. It will heal with time and P.T. I worry a lot as well about stuff like that. Thank you for putting me in my place = )