Saturday, April 26, 2008

Away from Home

Why is it that when I am away from home, I have such a difficult time being Christ-like????? When I am in the routine of my normal, everyday life, I am diligent about praying, reading my Bible, being a good example to others, watching more closely what I say, not making negative or derogatory comments about other people, etc. I was out of town on Friday and a large majority of today at a softball tournament in Ashwaubenon. As I sit here relaxing on my couch, I am reflecting on what has gone on over the last 48 hours. I am somewhat disappointed in myself at how easily I can fall back into my old habits - habits that I have worked hard to get rid of. It is so easy to jump on the proverbial band wagon when others are talking about someone or making fun of someone. After I chime in with my negative comments, I think to myself "What kind of example am I setting??". Would other people think that there is something "different" about me, that my actions are representative of a Christian???? DOUBT IT.....which is a sad statement about my own self. I feel guilty and ashamed of myself for falling into the trap of gossiping and saying hurtful things behind a person's back. Proverbs 17:28 "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue". I need to set a better example to those that are around me because God calls us to do so. As I have grown in my faith and have developed a closer relationship with God, I have become far more conscientious about my actions, my thoughts and my words. Because of this, I don't feel very good about myself at the present moment. Self-awareness is important because if we don't recognize our own sins, it is difficult to make the changes that God wants us to make. Why don't I make a greater effort to keep up with my prayer life??? There are no set rules as to when and where a person can pray, so why don't I find some time, ANY time to thank God for the things He has given me, to pray for those in need, to confess my sins (the aforementioned ones!)............I could probably come up with a dozen or so EXCUSES to try and rationalize my behavior and lack of obedience to God, but I won't. There's no point in trying because God doesn't want excuses. He simply wants us to be faithful and obedient to His commandments.


John Daniel said...

Very Very true, I think we can all benefit from the verse, it’s not what goes into your moth that defiles you its what comes out of it that defiles a man.
Hang in there! I'm in the same boat as you. But thank you for those nice comments! And i know what you mean about taking pictures in the day and writing at night. I will pray that the Lord will open those doors if that is his will 4 u.
Well I have to get back to work!
Have a great day!