Thursday, February 21, 2008


This is my first attempt at entering the world of blogging. I have had my OWN home computer for a grand total of 57 days. I know, I've been living in the dark ages. In actuality, the dark ages really aren't that bad because living there has kept me shielded from the "dark side" of the computer world as well as the world in general. FYI - I'm NOT some recluse so please don't get that impression. I find that it is sometimes easier to live a far more simplistic life than what the 21st century affords. I'm really not up on the latest fashion trends, or who's dating who in Hollywood, or who is the next big name to enter a rehab facility or who is divorcing who. I don't choose to live vicariously through all those reality shows on television - it doesn't interest me to know who the biggest loser is or who is going to be the next American Idol or how the wife swap will turn out. I've never been one for gossip and I'm usually the LAST one to find out things which is fine by me. I have enough things to worry about in my own life without having to get wrapped up in some strangers problems. If people would simply mind their own business, I believe life would be much simpler for many people in this world. I understand that some people revel in the problems of others so that they can forget about all the troubles in their lives for an hour or two each night. More power to them I guess. Someone must be watching them or there wouldn't be so many of those shows on television.


Kat said...

Yeah for the newbie!! I am so proud of you. I will do a better job at keeping you abreast of the latest in Hollywood :)