Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring/Winter Break

Well, this was my official last day of spring break which should more appropriately be referred to as "winter" break due to the snow storm that we were subjected to last Friday. For people that are in education, a wave of sadness (dare I say depression) sets in as our vacation draws to a close. This phenomenon occurs at the end of summer, in November after Thanksgiving break, in January after Christmas break and in spring whenever Easter falls. Now I know that nobody wants their vacation to end but I really feel that there truly is a difference in the way that people in education view time off as opposed to the rest of the world. Having been outside of the educational realm for several years, I can speak from my own experiences that I never had these type of feelings. Perhaps that is because typically one does not have as much time off as "teacher types" do. I could be completely wrong....

As I sit here waiting for the Badger/Davidson game to begin, I feel a wave of sadness come over me . Where did all the time go??? Wasn't I just anticipating having the next 10 days off???? What have I been doing over the past week or so???

All good things must come to an end as the old addage goes. I am thankful for having had the opportunity to get caught up on some of my reading, being able to catch up with friends, getting my house "slightly" in order and for the fact that I was able to sleep in. I feel a cold or a sinus infection coming on - just in time for my return to school! Such is life. I hope the rest of my teacher friends return safely from their travels. For those of you who went to warm, sunny, tropical places (I'm jealous but I won't admit that to your sun-tanned faces)- I hope you're not toooooo SUNBURNT. It really stinks to have to put a sweater and long pants on over your PINK, peeling skin!


Kat said...

Look at the bright side - the count down to summer break has begun! Enjoy your first day back tomorrow!