Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stolen car.............

Does this happen to you???? Do you have trouble locating your parked vehicle in public places? I am notorious for not remembering where I park my car in a public parking lot. It doesn't matter where I am....it could be church, Pick N Save, Target, the mall, wherever. I can NEVER find my car when I come out of wherever it is that I am. It never fails! You'd think I could at least remember where I park my car on Sundays because the church parking lot has numbers at the end of each row. Whoa -let me take that back. In my haste to get into church on time, I never even think to look back at the numbers. I'm too busy weaving my way through the throngs of people who are leisurely walking in with their families.

There was a time that I actually thought that my car had been stolen. I was at the mall and I could have sworn that I parked my car in a particular location. I walked around in circles for about 20 minutes before I decided to take a walk to another section of the lot. I was overcome by panic at the thought that my car had actually been STOLEN! I went over in my mind whether or not I had locked my vehicle (I check my door lock about three times to make sure it is indeed locked). My car is rather non-descript so I thought why would someone want to take MY car when there are plenty of Lexus', Beemers, Shiny new SUV's, etc. that are far more appealing than my 2002 Subaru. I am happy to report that my car was not stolen that day - it was just another instance of my "parking lot amnesia" cropping up.

There MUST be a name for this?? There must be some psychological term to describe this phenomenon. I'll have to check the DSM V to determine the clinical term used to categorize a person that suffers from this syndrome.


John Daniel said...

Lol i thought i was the only one! Well more specifically i walk up to the wrong car all the time. White Scion TC everyone has them! And they all look the same!
Great Blog!