Saturday, May 31, 2008

10 Items or Less

I was just running in for a few items so I opted to grab a hand held basket as opposed to a cart to ensure that I would NOT get anything that wasn't on my list!! In theory, that sounded good. In actuality, that is not exactly how things went. First unplanned stop was at the pastry table for some donut holes (didn't need those but they looked really yummy!). Second item not on the list was a 12 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper (keep in mind that logistically this was going to be somewhat difficult to carry because a gallon of milk WAS on my list). Next, I opted to get 2 bottles of cranapple juice instead of 1 because they were on sale (2 more items that were not intended to be carted around in a small PLASTIC basket). At this point, I was losing circulation in my fingers because of the weight of my small basket and the additional weight of the 12 pack. I finally hit the dairy aisle for the last item on my list...1 gallon of milk. Where was that darn cart when I needed it???? I felt like a pack mule as I ambled to the check out which was still a beacon in the distance. As I rounded the corner, what to my surprise would appear, but a shiny grocery cart that was calling my name. So much for 10 items or less!!!!


Chaplain Cris Nole said...

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog.

Just 10 items, that was great. I always find myself in the same position.

Kat said...

I am always SOOO guilty of this that I never even grab the basket anymore. I know better!

cautious1 said...

I SHOULD know better - it's just wishful thinking on my part!